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액체섬광계수기, Meridian Cocktails Solution

by 디노악어 2023. 12. 7.



GS1 Gold Star for general purpose counting and alkaline media 2 × 5 L
GSQ1 Gold Star Quanta for high capacity and high efficiency 2 × 5 L
GF1        Gold Flow for flow counting with high capacity  2 × 5 L
GSLT2  Gold Star LT2 for low level tritium counting  2 × 5 L
  Plate Counting Cocktails  
PSHE PlateScint HE for high efficiency counting 1 L
PSMax PlateScint Max for maximum capacity counting 1 L
PSO PlateScint O for organic media 1 L


Gold Star is a multi-purpose LSC cocktail.

Gold Star safer LS cocktail product family offers the high capacity and high efficiency LS cocktails for wide range of applications.


Gold Star Quanta
Very high Tritium efficiency (55% unquenched with conventional counters, 70% with Hidex TDCR counters) provides time saving when counting to statistical limits.

GoldStar Quanta is a high flashpoint DIN based, biodegradable LSC cocktail that contain NPEs and that is thus not drain disposable. It is a very high efficiency version of GoldStar that works with most dilute aqueous samples. 

It can accept up to 5.0 mL sample in 10 mL cocktail at 20°C and has even higher sample capacity at lower temperatures making it ideal for use with chilled LSC counters.


Gold Star LT2 is used to measure Low Tritium levels at Low Temperature.

Gold Star LT2 is used to determine low levels of Tritium in different water samples and provides a stable counting system for all loadings at temperatures down to 12°C.


Gold Flow

A high flash point safer cocktail designed for use in Flow Scintillation Analysis (FSA).
Gold Flow has low viscosity and is non-gelling.
A high sample load capacity combined with rapid mixing makes Gold Flow ideal for use in FSA.
Gold Flow resists quench, providing higher counting efficiencies and therefore more counts per peak.



PlateScint Cocktails for use in all plate scintillation counters, such as the Hidex Sense Beta.


PlateScint Max scintillation cocktail is formulated to accept higher volumes of dilute aqueous samples
at up to 50% loading (1:1 ratio). It is the cocktail to use when high sample capacity is required.

PlateScint HE (High Efficiency) scintillation cocktail is formulated to count low to medium volumes 
of dilute aqueous samples <20% with high efficiency. 
It is the cocktail of choice for counting filters that have not been completely dried.

PlateScint O is the scintillation cocktail for organic samples and dry filter plates.






